Summer E-Newsletter

Waterlaw news: hydraulic fracturing e-newsletter screenshot, September 2014

Hydraulic Fracturing


The Laws, policies, challenges involving hydraulic fracturing continue to change and evolve.As a professional involved, you need to stay up-to-date on all the issues.

Don’t miss CLE International’s Hydraulic Fracturing Conference, where the experts will gather and discuss various topics.

Waterlaw news: water law e-newsletter screenshot Volume 2



Despite recent rains, southeastern Colorado’s lingering severe to extreme drought conditions garnered national attention in a Washington Post piece noting that the severity of the ongoing drought as being, “Drier than the Dust Bowl.”

Most of Colorado, especially the central rocky mountain region, is not currently experience drought conditions, though abnormally dry to moderately dry conditions exist in the northwest corner of Colorado.

Waterlaw news: federal regulation water law e-newsletter screenshot 2014 edition


Debate Continues Over The Proposed Rule Purporting To Clarify The Applicability Of The Clean Water Act

On March 25, 2014 the EPA and the Corps of Engineers released a prepublication preview of a proposed rule to revise the definition of “waters of the United States” under the Clean Water Act (CWA). The rule was ostensibly issued to clarify confusing judicial interpretations of what exactly constitute “waters of the United States” and contained a litany of definitions that could alter the jurisdictional bounds of some nine major federal permitting programs. Stakeholder reaction has been intense.