Hydraulic Fracturing:
Our firm is active in the representation of energy clients in the hydraulic fracturing field developing water supplies, delivery transactions and meeting disposal criteria for the oil and gas E & P industry.
Whether it involves water for hydraulic mining operations, dust suppression, related processing or domestic supplies for a workforce, we have the expertise for developing an assured water supply for the mining industry.
Biomass, Bio-Fuels, Ethanol:
We have the expertise to develop water supplies not only for agricultural clients but refinery and processing plants for biomass, ethanol, and newly emerging alternative fuels.
Hydro Generation:
Diverse expertise in water rights and regulatory experience for pumped storage, traditional hydro, and micro hydro projects.
Concentrated solar power utility scale power generation consumes vast quantities of water and are usually located within the arid southwest. We have experience in developing assured water supplies for alternative energy industrial water needs.
Our firm is a leader in geothermal law having worked in the industry for over a quarter of a century, drafting geothermal legislation and permitting geothermal resources. We provide the edge in both dry hot rock and fluid resource development.